Get Involved
Want to support North of Main and local community projects?
Find out below how you can get involved with NoMa and become part of a team fostering positive relationships throughout the local Binghamton community!

Donations are a crucial driver in our ability to serve our community. These donations help fund our weekly community events and seasonal activities to provide the best possible resources!

NoMa is continuing its growth and expanding its reach and commitment to the community. Volunteers are always welcome to contribute to this effort. Click the button below to contact us!
Closet Organizer
Help sort and organize clothes that have been donated to us throughout the week and prepare it for our weekly Clothing Closet.
Kitchen Aid
Lend a hand in the kitchen on Saturdays helping set up, prep, cook, and serve our community fresh cooked meals.
Office Assistant
Help in the day-to-day functions of running a non-profit and get a first-hand look on what it takes to run a successful organization.